北京电视艺术中心一级导演。王保华先后执导创作了近20部长、短篇电视剧,尤其在“革命领袖人物传记片”领域的创作中成绩突出,他执导的电视连续剧《李大钊》获北京市庆祝新中国成立40周年优秀文艺作品征集评奖长篇电视连续剧一等奖、第十届“飞天奖”优秀长篇幅连续剧三等奖;《第二条战线》获第七届电视艺术“春燕奖”特别奖等;《蓝色三环》获1999年中宣部“五个一工程”作品奖、第三届北京市精神文明建设“十个一工程”作品奖、第九届电视艺术“春燕奖”特别奖等。Katrina Law (born 1 January 1985 in Deptford, NJ) is an American actress. She represented New Jersey in the Miss Teen USA Pageant.Law is also the lead singer and bass player in her band"Soundboard Fiction". She played the role of Mira (a slave in the house of Batiatus) in the Starz television series, Spartacus: Blood and Sand, and Spartacus: Vengeance.
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