于珈若 于珈若出生在美丽的海滨城市山东烟台。唱歌跳舞表演对于她来说,是她最喜欢的事业。 于珈若4岁开始学习钢琴,师从国内著名的钢琴教育家刘金德老师,14岁便获得了国家钢琴十级证书,这是业余选手可以获得的最高荣誉。她还在河北歌剧舞剧院学习芭蕾舞。优美的节奏、旋律、音乐与枯燥的练习、辛勤的汗水交织在一起,谱成了于咏琳的童年交响曲。 1994年,于珈若开始进行专业模特训练,并在短短的一年内,获得了河北省电视台举办的河北模特大赛一等奖。1999年,于咏琳进入北京青...Evangelista was born in New York City and graduated Herbert Berghof School of Acting.[1] She performed in several off-Broadway shows and later made guest appearances on Law & Order, White Collar, Royal Pains, The Good Wife, Blue Bloods, 666 Park Avenue, and she also had a series regular role in the Spike TV series The Kill Point, in 2007.She also played supporting roles in films The Good Guy (2009), The Joneses (2009) and starred in the in...
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