彭氏兄弟的其一成员,在《无声火》成功前已是香港数一数二的剪接师,曾为不少出色的电影及广告担当剪接工作。他神乎其技的剪接技巧,令他获奖无数,最为人熟识的是凭《风云》及《无间道》获得金像奖最佳剪接美誉。在《见鬼》后更独自执导了一部泰国电影,更令此片女主角一连赢夺了两个泰国电影最佳女主角,本片更被选为韩国釜山电影展参赛作品及赢取了韩国PPP编剧奖。Phoenix Chou was born in Hong Kong and moved to USA (Mussel Shoals, Alabama), when she was six years old. She lived and traveled all over the world before moving to Los Angeles, where she studied fine art and environmental design at the Art Center in Pasadena. She began modeling and has been in campaigns for Tommy Hilfiger, Guess, Revlon and H&M. Recently, she landed a lead part in the fantasy epic"Deva Shard," filmed in Hong Kong. She is...
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